(877) 736-1607 enzabac@enzabac.com


ADVANTA MOS® is an insoluble mannan oligosaccharide and Beta-glucan complex which has been extracted from the cell wall of molasses yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). The soluble portions of the yeast cells are removed by a gentle digestion; the remaining insoluble cell wall fraction is then washed and spray dried.

Check out our ADVANTA MOS® Brochure

ADVANTA MOS® Product Profile Sheet
ADVANTA MOS® Saftey Data Sheet

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ADVANTA HY® is a prebiotic feed additive derived from the fermentation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast using a process that stimulates cell disruption through endogenous and exogenous enzymes. 

Our specialized process activates our yeast and increases the bioavailability and digestibility of the elements of yeast cell wall (β-Glucan and MOS) and cytoplasm (nucleotides and amino acids). The β-Glucan increases the phagocytic activity intervening in the organisms’ defense against infections, while MOS agglutinates pathogens such as Salmonella and E.coli, contributing to gut health. Our process releases the nucleotides from DNA and RNA which, supplemented through the diet, favors the animal cellular multiplication and regeneration.

ADVANTA HY® Product Profile Sheet
Advanta HY Product Brochure

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